Today we received our first big set of Minnesota Vikings tickets for the 2009-2010 season! That means if you've already ordered Vikings tickets, you will be getting them very very soon. We've started shipping them out today so some of you could receive them as early as today, depending on whether or not you chose to pick them up or have them shipped to you.
For those of you that haven't ordered your tickets yet, I wouldn't recommend waiting too long. If Brett Favre signs to the Vikings, you will see a big increase in ticket prices. As of now, they're priced very reasonably yet still competitive. If he decides not to sign, we will lower the prices.
And remember that any of our tickets can easily be picked up from our Minneapolis office, located less than 2 blocks from the Metrodome. We will also have extended hours during the Vikings games for your convenience!
Have I waited too long... does Ticket King still have good seats left?
Of course we do! Check out our Ticketking home page to view our entire inventory!
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